Monday, June 27, 2011

香辣鲜蛤 (Hot and Spicy Clams)

材料 (Ingredient)
鲜蛤 1kg (clams - 1kg)
姜茸 1大匙 (chopped ginger - 1tbsp)
蒜蓉 1大匙 (chopped garlic - 1tbsp)
洋葱碎 1大匙 (chopped onion - 1tbsp)

调味料 (Seasoning)
番茄酱 3大匙 (tomato sauce - 3tbsp)
辣椒酱 2大匙 (chilly sauce - 2tbsp)
糖 1小匙 (sugar - 1tsp)
盐 1/2小匙 (salt - 1/2tsp)

做法 (Method)
(1) 烧热2大匙油,爆香姜茸、蒜蓉和洋葱碎。
Heat up 2tbsp oil and saute chopped ginger, garlic and chopped onion.

(2) 加入鲜蛤和调味料炒匀便可上碟。
Add in clams and seasoning. Stir well and dish up.

香辣鲜蛤 (Hot and Spicy Clams)

咖哩叶鸡 (Curry Leaves Chicken)

材料 (Ingredient)
鸡腿 2只 斩块 (chicken thigh - 2 - cut into piece)
咖哩叶 2大匙 (curry leaves - 2tbsp)

腌料 (Marinade)

生抽 1小匙 (soy sauce - 1tsp)
盐 1/2小匙 (salt - 1/2tsp)
胡椒粉 1/2小匙 (pepper - 1/2tsp)
粟粉 1大匙 (corn flour - 1tbsp)

调味料 (Seasoning)
生抽 1大匙 (soy sauce - 1tbsp)
蚝油 1/2大匙 (oyster sauce - 1/2tbsp)
糖 1小匙 (sugar - 1tsp)
水 100ml (water - 100ml)

做法 (Method)
(1) 鸡肉加入腌料拌匀,腌1小时。
Mix chicken with marinade and marinate for 1 hour.

(2) 在镬里烧热油,炸鸡肉约5分钟。捞起沥干油份。
Deep-fry chicken in hot oil for about 5 minutes. Dish and drain.

(3) 留1大匙油爆香咖哩叶。
Heat up 1tbsp oil and saute curry leaves until fragrant.

(4) 加入鸡块和调味料大火炒至干就可。
Add in chicken and seasoning. Stir-fry at high heat until dry. Dish up.

咖哩叶鸡 (Curry Leaves Chicken)

Thursday, June 16, 2011

可乐鸡翅 (Coke Chicken Wing)

材料 (Ingredient)
鸡翼 4只 斩件 (chicken wing - 4 - cut into 2 parts)
姜 5片 (ginger - 5 slices)
蒜头 3粒 拍扁 (garlic - 3 cloves - smashed)
可乐 1/2杯 (coke - 1/2 cup)

调味料 (Seasoning)
生抽 2大匙 (soy sauce - 2tbsp)
老抽 2大匙 (dark soy sauce - 2tbsp)
胡椒粉 少许 (pepper - appropriate)

做法 (Method)
(1) 把鸡翼放入滚水中拖水约2分钟,去血水。捞起,沥乾水份。
Blanch chicken wings in boiling water for 2 minutes to remove any blood and fat. Drain well.

(2) 烧热油镬,爆香姜片和蒜头。
Heat up oil and saute ginger slices and garlic until fragrant.

(3) 加入鸡翼,兜炒一会。然后加入调味料和可乐。
Add in chicken wings. Saute and continue to cook until lightly brown. Pour in the seasoning and coke.

(4) 用中火煮滚后,继续煮约20-25分钟或直至汁变浓稠。时不时兜匀,直至鸡翼熟透,和上了生抽颜色。
Bring to boil and continue to cook for 20-25 minutes or until sauce become thicken and chicken wings are cooked. Serve.

可乐鸡翅 (Coke Chicken Wing)

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

蒜香叉烧 (Garlic Char Siew)

上次 KingKong 做的叉烧很美味。(KingKong 的食谱

五花腩肉 600g 切成两条 (pork belly - 600g - cut into 2 pieces)
500ml (water - 500ml)
3 (oil - 3tbsp)

醃料 (Marinade)
蒜茸 2大粒 (chopped garlic - 2 whole piece)
蚝油 3 (oyster sauce - 3tbsp)
酱油 4 (soya sauce - 4tbsp)
4 (sugar - 4tbsp)
绍兴酒 2 (siew hing wine - 2tbsp)
五香粉 2 (5 spice powder - 2tsp)
500ml (water - 500ml)
粉 1 + 水 1大匙 打芡用 (corn flour 1tsp + water 1tbsp for thickening)

做法 (Method)
(1) 烧热2大匙油爆香蒜茸
Heat up 2tbsp oil and saute chopped garlic until fragrant.

(2) 加入其他腌料煮滚,转小火煮5分钟。打芡即可。
Add in the remaining marinade ingredient and bring to boil. Continue boil with low heat for 5 minutes. Thicken with corn flour water.

(3) 五花腩肉用刀背拍松。加入煮好的腌料拌匀。放进冰箱腌隔夜
Pound pork belly with the back of knife until tender. Mix with the cooked marinade sauce and marinate overnight in refrigerator.

(4) 烧热1大匙油。放入五花腩肉煎香
Heat up 1tbsp oil, put in pork belly and pan-fry until fragrant.

(5) 加入水煮滚,转小火继续焖至汁浓。再转大火煮成稍微焦黑即可。
Add in water and bring to boil. Cook with low heat until gravy turn thick. Continue cook with high heat until the pork belly is brown and well cooked. Dish up.


(6) 切片享用
t into slice and serve.

蒜香叉烧 (Garlic Char Siew)

蒜香叉烧 (Garlic Char Siew)

Saturday, April 30, 2011

甜豆炒鸡丁 (Stir Fried Sugar Peas with Chicken)

材料 (Ingredient)
甜豆 1包 (sugar peas - 1 pack)
鸡胸肉 半边 切丁
(chicken breast - half - cut cube)
紅萝卜 1/2条,切片 (carrot - half - sliced)
小粟米 6条,切半 (baby corns - 6 - halved)
云耳 5-6片 (black fungus - 5-6 slice)
蒜蓉 1 (chopped garlic - 1tsp)

腌料 (Marinade)
生抽 1 1/2小匙 (soy sauce - 1 1/2tsp)
粟粉 1/2 (corn flour - 1/2tsp)
糖 1/2 (sugar - 1/2tsp)
胡椒粉 少许 (pepper - appropriate)

调味料 (Seasoning)
生抽 1 (soy sauce - 1tsp)
蚝油 1(oyster sauce - 1tsp)
糖 1/2(sugar - 1/2tsp)
麻油 少许 (sesame oil - appropriate)
水 3大匙 (water 3tbsp)
粉 1 + 水 1大匙 打芡用 (corn flour 1tsp + water 1tbsp for thickening)

做法 (Method)
(1) 把云耳浸软后,加入烧水略煮2-3分钟。切去顶部污物硬块,切粗。
Soak black fungus until softened. Blanch in boiling water for 2-3 minutes. Cut the roots. Cut into small pieces.

(2) 鸡胸加入腌料拌匀,备用。
Marinate chicken with marinade.

(3) 撕去甜豆尾部和头部的纤维,冲洗乾净。烧一锅水,加少许盐。然后加入甜豆,用大火煮约2-3分钟。捞起随即放入冷水中浸一会。沥乾水份备用。
Remove the tissue of the peas, from tail to top. Rinse and blanch in salt boiled water for about 2-3 minutes. Then immediately soak in cold water. Drain well.

(4) 烧热油镬。加入鸡肉,用中大火炒熟。盛起备用。
Heat up oil in a wok. Add in chicken and use medium-high heat cook until cooked. Dish and drain.

(5) 爆香蒜蓉。加入红萝卜和小粟米炒匀。
Saute garlic until fragrant. Stir fry carrots and baby corns.

(6) 加甜豆和调味料。
Add in peas and seasoning.

(7) 加入云耳煮片刻至汁收干些。鸡肉回镬,打芡。上碟。
Add in black fungus and cook until sauce dries up a bit. Add chicken and stir quickly. Thicken with corn flour water and dish up.

甜豆炒鸡丁 (Stir Fried Sugar Peas with Chicken)