小辣椒好喜欢吃烧包。想当年也是因为芙蓉烧包被 KingKong 骗会他家乡。
KingKong 骗小辣椒说芙蓉有间很好吃的烧包,小芊心就答应随 KingKong 到芙蓉去。到达芙蓉,KingKong 不只带小芊心买芙蓉烧包,还把小辣椒带回家让她妈妈过目。
当时的情况是:小辣椒对面坐着现在的家婆和二姑,一问一答,情形就和面试一模一样。最后才知道 KingKong 第一次带女孩回家。之后的 KingKong 也不好受,被妈妈催婚。抵死!!!
内馅材料 (Filling)
猪肉碎 500g (chopped pork - 500g)
叉烧酱 2大匙 (chinese BBQ sauce - 2tbsp)
油 2大匙 (oil - 2tbsp)
包皮材料 (Dough)
水皮 (Dough A):
面粉 200g (flour - 200g)
白奶油 60g (vegetable shortening - 60g)
幼糖 2大匙 (sugar - 2tbsp)
水 110ml (water - 110ml)
油皮(Dough B):
面粉 160g (flour - 160g)
白奶油 100g (vegetable shortening - 100g)
做法 (Method)
(1) 烧烘油,放进猪肉碎和叉烧酱,加点水炒至有点湿,取出待凉。最好等3 - 4小时才使用。
Heat oil in pan, add in chopped pork and Chinese BBQ sauce, mix together water into the pan and stir well. Simmer until gravy is thickened. Transfer to plate and allow to cool.
(2) 用相同的方法把水皮材料和油皮材料分别搓揉至光滑。
Prepare dough A and B separately using the same method. Bring together all ingredients for each dough, mix well and knead to form soft dough.
(3) 水皮面团和油皮面团分开用湿布盖着30分钟。
Cover each dough with wet towel and let them stand for 30 minutes.
(4) 取一小块水皮(像汤圆的分量),包入一份油皮(像汤圆的分量)。杆长,卷起,重复再做一次。然后,搓圆。休面10分钟。
Wrap dough B with dough A. Roll it out into rectangle with a rolling pin, then roll up. Repeat this step again. Then, roll it out into ball. Let them stand for 10 minutes.
(5) 将粉团擀成圆形,包入馅料,做成包子形。扫上蛋液。
Roll it out into circle and place the filling at the center. Pleat and pinch to seal. Egg wash.
(6) 预热烤箱至180度,放入烤箱烤约20分钟至金黄色,即完成。
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