KingKong 买的架新的烤箱给小辣椒,还找了烤烧肉的食谱,要小辣椒来挑战。小辣椒不想认输,就硬着头皮做起烧肉来。整个过程,最累的是在猪皮上叉洞,叉到手都酸。烧肉完成后,我们终于了解为什么烧肉卖的酱贵,真的很值得给。
材料 (Ingredient)
五花腩肉 2kg (pork belly - 2kg)
白醋 2大匙 (white vinegar - 2tbsp)
粗盐 2大匙 (salt - 2tbsp)
醃料 (Marinade)
紹兴酒 2大匙 (siew heng wine - 2tbsp)
幼盐 2大匙 (salt - 2tbsp)
糖 1大匙 (sugar - 1tbsp)
五香粉 2大匙 (five spice powder - 2tbsp)
南乳 1块 (Nam Yu - 1 cube)
做法 (Method)
(1) 五花腩肉留皮,先用刀在表皮上刮去污穢物及毛,用水洗淨。
Clean pork belly (with skin).
(2) 将五花腩肉放入滾水內煲大約 8-10分鐘至五成熟,然後用流动的清水漂冷。
Scald the skin side in the boiling water for 8-10 minutes. Then drain off in a colander.
(3) 五花腩肉待涼後抹乾水。
Pat dry with paper towels
(4) 用叉在猪皮上密密地垂直扎上无数小孔,孔扎得越多烤出来皮就越松化。然后用刀刮净表皮上的白膜。
Prick all over the skin with the tines of a fork. Pat dry the skin.
Pat dry with paper towels
(4) 用叉在猪皮上密密地垂直扎上无数小孔,孔扎得越多烤出来皮就越松化。然后用刀刮净表皮上的白膜。
Prick all over the skin with the tines of a fork. Pat dry the skin.
(5) 将五花腩肉反转,在肉面上每隔1厘米处,深深地直拉数刀,这样一是为方便入味,二是为避免起泡。
Use a sharp knife make a shallow cuts about 1cm apart.
(6) 在刀口面上均匀地抹上拌勻的醃料。
Mix the marinade and rub thoroughly into the meat side of the pork.
(7) 将五花腩肉皮面向上,皮一定要先將醋抹上,然后再平均抹上盐。
Brush the vinegar onto the skin then the salt.
(8) 将五花腩直接放进冰箱过夜,让表皮的水份收干,并在烧烤前拿出来放在室温下。
Keep the port belly uncovered in the refrigerator overnight and bring to room temperature before roasting.
(9) 预热烤箱200度,用上下火和风扇。放五花腩肉于中上层先烤约20分钟,然后平均抹上醋,换上火烤至皮响起“啪啪“的声音,表皮有黑焦。
Preheat oven to 200 degree Celsius with both upper and lower heating as well as fan. Place pork belly on the rack in the middle of the oven to roast 20 minutes, After 20 minutes, brush white vinegar onto the skin and change the oven setting to upper heating only (or grill function or broil function).. This will accelerate the roasted process on the skin and makes it crunchy by crackling the bubbles all over. Roast until the skin get charred and burnt as that mean the skin has become crispy all the way through.
(10) 用刀扫去表皮焦,放回烤箱继续烤多3分钟。
Use a sharp knife scrape the charred bits off. Put back to oven and roast another 3 minutes.
(11) 待燒肉稍涼後斬件上碟。
Let the pork belly col before serving.
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