Thursday, June 16, 2011

可乐鸡翅 (Coke Chicken Wing)

材料 (Ingredient)
鸡翼 4只 斩件 (chicken wing - 4 - cut into 2 parts)
姜 5片 (ginger - 5 slices)
蒜头 3粒 拍扁 (garlic - 3 cloves - smashed)
可乐 1/2杯 (coke - 1/2 cup)

调味料 (Seasoning)
生抽 2大匙 (soy sauce - 2tbsp)
老抽 2大匙 (dark soy sauce - 2tbsp)
胡椒粉 少许 (pepper - appropriate)

做法 (Method)
(1) 把鸡翼放入滚水中拖水约2分钟,去血水。捞起,沥乾水份。
Blanch chicken wings in boiling water for 2 minutes to remove any blood and fat. Drain well.

(2) 烧热油镬,爆香姜片和蒜头。
Heat up oil and saute ginger slices and garlic until fragrant.

(3) 加入鸡翼,兜炒一会。然后加入调味料和可乐。
Add in chicken wings. Saute and continue to cook until lightly brown. Pour in the seasoning and coke.

(4) 用中火煮滚后,继续煮约20-25分钟或直至汁变浓稠。时不时兜匀,直至鸡翼熟透,和上了生抽颜色。
Bring to boil and continue to cook for 20-25 minutes or until sauce become thicken and chicken wings are cooked. Serve.

可乐鸡翅 (Coke Chicken Wing)

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